Author Archives: Dominica Patriot News

Are you a Patriot or Scoundrel- Using Patriotism (Nationalism) as your last resort?

This new resounding call of nationalism that echoes through Dominica chills my bones! I even heard from Reginald Austrie the number two most despicable, NEGATIVE character in the labor party hierarchy calling for citizens to leave all negatives began and sign onto the dictator’s pledge. I was wondering what exactly Austrie means by negative, to […]

Reviving Democracy in 2020: What is to be Done

As we wish a happy new year and peace, love and prosperity for all our Dominican people at home and abroad, we must take note of what it takes to revive our democracy. The first step is a recognition that too many Dominicans have allowed themselves to be deluded by placing their faith that some […]


Prior to the December elections in Dominica, we heard the saying it was a fight for Dominica’s soul. Obviously we lost that fight for Dominica’s soul. Most of us were left with a feeling of detachment, some of us went into resignation, meaning we gave up. We blame each other, we occupy our time with […]


“The difference between amoral and immoral- they both have to do with right and wrong, but amoral means having no sense of either, like a fish, but the evil Immoral describes someone who knows the difference and just doesn’t care” There was a time in the Caribbean where our grandparents and foreparents were very deeply […]


It was about 2 years ago Skerrit confirmed that a contract was signed for Stock Farm indoor sports facility. It was another empty promise of a modern, energy-efficient multisport complex . There were promises of jobs, enhance sports tourism and development of world-class professional athletes. Skerrit and his gang of promise experts and  liars told […]


By Hon Daniel Lugay Will civil servants accept zero zero zero while Prime minister SKERRIT funds his 2019 Election budget campaign to the tune of $80 million dollars. Is it really true that the national treasury is broke but the labour party is liquid. Policemen, Nurses, Teachers, Firemen, Port workers did you see the lavish […]


Have you ever wondered why Tony Astaphan is in the position he is today? Is he really a puppet master? What do we really know about Tony? Did he pull of the ultimate con in the Caribbean? Why is he so hostile and envious towards Dominicans of academic brilliance? It is alleged that Tony may […]

What is a Dictator and a Dictatorship?

A dictatorship is a form of government characterized by the absolute rule of one person or a very small group of people who hold all political power. While a dictatorship is a form of government in some nations, just as monarchy or representative democracy is the form of government in others, dictatorships are seen by […]


By Elad Siboulie  I saw the  fishermen pulling in the catch. There were net loads of jacks ,grouper  and bonito  coming in by the thousands. The villagers were on the bayfront helping pulling in  the nets so they could get a handful of fish. Van loads of fish would then  be taken for sale. The […]