Category Archives: Feature Articles

Dr. Fontaine Leaves his Footprints in The Sand of South Sudan

“Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave  behind us, footprints on the sands of time.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.    Our very own Dr. Thomson Fontaine will be leaving his footprints in the sand of South Sudan. This is a remarkable and noteworthy accomplishment. On behalf of the […]

The opposition in Parliament, still Doing their Jobs For the People, BUT!

The opposition Parliamentarians looked bright, excited and optimistic, the women in their beautiful hats following the tradition of the dress code implemented by the former Speaker emeritus Alix Boyd Knights. Bless their hearts for those who believe in the hope that things will get better in Dominica, they represented that hope.   These members of  parliament […]

The Dictator and his Darlings in Parliament?

In any other country in the world if your coworker or employer calls a woman darling at the workplace that would be grounds for filing a sexual harassment complaint. But in Dominica all women in Parliament are the dictator’s darlings. It was quite a feat, a historic milestone to have eleven women in the Parliament […]

There can be no Nobility where Nobility does not exist.

There can be no Nobility where Nobility does not exist. Give us a break Charles Savarin Dominicans are you impressed? At last your dear president honorable his excellency Charles Savarin has called for the election reform they refused to give you before the elections, despite all your demands and the protests, and the tear gas […]

Mr. Speaker Joseph Isaac Makes his Debut in Parliament

Oh dear, the long awaited spectacle is finally here! Joseph Isaac takes his seat as speaker of the House of Assembly, he now controls the chambers, so to speak!  Notably one of his first dishonest and hypocritical acts is to applaud the former speaker Alix Boyd Knights as a very objective speaker. They say a […]

Dominica Needs a State of the Union Report From The Leader

Last week the world watched Donald Trump deliver his state of the union address to America, it was a spectacle to behold! By all accounts it was a parody of lies, which the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi found so egregious that she tore it up after the presentation. When asked why she did […]

The dictator flexes his muscles and it begins to rain on every one!

Well,that didn’t take long.Looks like the cash shortage in the treasury necessitates that the man who runs things look for cash wherever he can find it. It’s a pity he can’t ask for refunds of the tens of millions he spent on his campaign. But his desperation in search of cash begs the question again. […]

The Future of the United Workers Party/ Opposition Parties In the One Party State and what’s at stake!

Before and after the December 6th 2019 elections which many now argue was a mistake to participate in, there has been much debate about who should lead the United Workers Party (UWP).The calls for the leader Lennox Linton to step down after the elections grew louder.Will he? Should he? If he does, who will be […]

The One Party State Dictatorship that Dominica Has Become.

 “It is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air — however slight — lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.” Justice William O. Douglas  In a letter to an Anglican Bishop  John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 13th Marquess of Groppoli wrote.  “Power tends to […]

Are you a Patriot or Scoundrel- Using Patriotism (Nationalism) as your last resort?

This new resounding call of nationalism that echoes through Dominica chills my bones! I even heard from Reginald Austrie the number two most despicable, NEGATIVE character in the labor party hierarchy calling for citizens to leave all negatives began and sign onto the dictator’s pledge. I was wondering what exactly Austrie means by negative, to […]