Author Archives: Dominica Patriot News

Caribbean Diaspora aroused with show of discontent

Caribbean Diaspora aroused demonstrating discontent Ambassador Curtis A. Ward (04 December 2019) — Discontent within Caribbean diaspora communities is growing in intensity. To most governments in the region, peaceful demonstrations on the streets far removed from the homeland are viewed as non-threatening and inconsequential, thus easily ignored and dismissed. But they should take heed! What […]

When The Government Fails the People- Then Turns Around and Calls them Thugs!

I have been observing the behavior and language of Labor party supporters over the years, what I see coming from some of them is pure violence and threats of violence. One of the most striking examples is when someone busted  Dr. Sam Christian’s head with a stone. Labor party leadership defended that action by coming […]


by Dr Dale A. Dangleben You the Caribbean leaders have released the RSS onto the Dominican people who have been asking for electoral reform for many years. You stood by quietly as Roosevelt Skerrit was oppressing anyone who opposed him . You all  have enjoyed electoral reform and voter ID card in your countries . […]

Caricom and the Betrayal of Dominica

By Dominica Patriot News Special Correspondent Caricom was formed by mostly honorable men such as Dr. Eric Williams, Errol Barrow and Michael Manely. Some like Forbes Burnham did sully his reputation by engaging in strong armed tactics to include the stealing of elections and oppressing democracy activist such as noted scholar Dr. Walter Rodney. Rodney […]

OAS eventually gets an invite- What happened?

For over Two years now it seemed that Roosevelt Skerrit and his Foreign Minister has been at war with the OAS especially Luis Almagro . They claimed was biased in his position on the Venezuela issue involving Maduro. Addressing the OAS’ General Assembly in Mexico she questioned the relevance of the organization and accused them […]


Today December 3, 2019 Justice Bernice Stephenson  Brooks in delivering her judgment on the request to delay the election has ruled that the election injunction would be determined after the election. She also went on to state that this was out of her jurisdiction. What exactly that means remains unclear. This is a tremendous blow […]

Bishop Malzaire refused to talk to the people

Yesterday, his Lordship Bishop Malzaire was encountered by a few of his church members. It was an interesting scene. The people wanted to ask the bishop some questions regarding his role as leader of the Catholic Church in light of the political climate in Dominica. Apparently he did not answer. They accused him of being […]


The people of the North East and around Dominica have decided to rise up! They are taking matters into their own hands since they are not being heard, they are speaking the language of the heard! There will be no electoral reform, there will be no passage to the polling stations!If you can’t hear, you […]

Riot is the language of the unheard

In 1966,  in Sept 27 interview , the late Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was questioned by CBS’ Mike Wallace about the “increasingly vocal minority.” They wanted to know what his views on a wave a violence which were occuring in America were as a devoted  advocate of nonviolent protests. He replied, “And I contend […]