Author Archives: Dominica Patriot News


On the night of November 30th, It was rather an embarrassing sight  as Yolanda Adams appeared to be lip-synching to a scant  crowd of labor party supporters in Dominica . It seems that Mrs. Adams did not know that Roosevelt Skerrit a few days prior had been shown on the Al Jazeera documentary as being […]

Another discrepancy? This time we are talking about 300 Dominican Passports 

Many Dominicans like myself have been in awe of Roosevelt’s and the labor Party’s definition of investor. We know an investor to be “a person or organization that puts money into financial schemes, property, etc. with the expectation of achieving a profit” and this definition is adopted worldwide. However, according to Roosevelt and the labor […]

What has New Chronicle Become?

“The media does play a vital role in our democracy, and if we cannot depend on journalistic ethics, the nation’s in trouble.” Dave Brat I Just read an article for one of our supposedly legitimate media outlets in Dominica, “The New Chronicle reporting on the Al Jazeera expose and I wept. Every person who knows […]


Dear President Charles Savarin, we address you as president, not because we respect you as the president of the commonwealth of  Dominica, but presently you are the president,  regrettably and unfortunately for the state and the people of Dominica. Mr. Savarin you are a disgrace to the state and the people of Dominica. You are […]

The Characteristics of the Leaders we need on Dominica Going Forward

By Dominica Patriots News Service Special Correspondent The leadership by idolatry and party colors practiced by the Roosevelt Skerrit regime have destroyed the Dominica we love. That is a hard and sad fact. The corrupt leadership Skerrit practices are as follows: 1. Destroy the work ethic 2. Bribe the masses and ministers 3. Corrupt the […]

How we Reboot Dominica. – Rebuilding  Local Government & Building Community Development Corporations

Dominica is dwindling into nothingness and despair under this scary regime. To make real change we must work harder and smarter than ever before.  We must breakdown the stranglehold on initiative and  private enterprise which is the signature of this dictatorship. To empower our people and unleash their fullest potential, we must empower them by rebuilding […]

The Good Doctor turned Bad Politician

Part of becoming a physician is to really commit yourself to taking care of people. The whole idea of the Hippocratic oath is really a dedication to healing humanity .The concept of do no harm is very important. It covers everything as it relates to taking care of one’s patients. To our knowledge we are […]

A Response to a Dominica Patriotic Sister who asked me today: what can be done

Dear Editor, I am deeply concerned about my country, what can we do to save it?  Dear Sister Where we had a professional police force as opposed to the regime allied enforcement gang now on Dominica, Skerrit would have been arrested long ago. Let me give you an example of what I mean:.. Long before […]

Morality, principles and values could save Dominica

For fifteen years Roosevelt Skerrit has been the leader of what can safely be described as a corrupt rouge and lawless regime. Many argue that Roosevelt is a dictator, and the rest of his cabinet are just following their dictator leader. A close look at their record in cabinet is proof positive that no one […]

A compromised Police Force with inept leadership

 By Dr. Emanuel Finn In April 2017, chief Carbon turned down a UWP request for a peaceful march and public meeting in Roseau citing national security interests and public safety reasons. Did the Chief had any ‘Intel’ that there would there be foreign fighters and terrorists from Hezbollah or Syria at the planned meeting? This […]