Day of reckoning

Today December 6th 2019, will be considered the day of reckoning for Dominica. It is today that Dominicans will decide whether they doom their  country, or save it from dictatorship, lawlessness, crimes against the state and people of Dominica, or doom Dominica to a tyrannical rogue state which will not have legitimacy in the international community.

Today is a day that will define Dominicans as a people! We the people of Dominica at home and abroad look with heightened anticipation awaiting the outcome of this day! It will be one of the most defining moments in the history of Dominica. We pray fervently that Dominicans will do the right thing by their country, that they will set her free from those who have held her hostage for so long! Dominicans the future generation is counting on you! What you do today when you go to the polls will determine their future,please do not disappoint them.

Our ancestors are looking down on us, feel them! They want us to do the right thing by the country they built for us! Don’t disappoint them either!

As you go to the polls today, think of what kind of country you would want your children to inherit, think of what kind of life you want them to live. Yes you will be determining their future with that vote you cast today, good or bad. Do not do something that you will regret, do not do something that your children will never forgive you for even after you are long gone. Be one of the people you can look your children in the eyes and tell them I saved this country because of you. I save this country because I believe in doing what is right! I saved this country because I wanted better for the next generation..

Be wise, be brave, feel free as you walk as a proud and dignified Dominican as you walk to that polling station. Hold your head up high as you caste your vote, so that you can hold it up high tomorrow and five years from now! There is a team of a blind of Dominican brilliance awaiting to bring back honor, dignity, democracy, the rule of law, pride and prosperity back to our land.

For those of you who are so disillusioned that you have decided not to vote, let me say this to you in the words of Keith Ellison “Not voting is not a protest. It is a surrender.” Do not surrender!

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