Today, December 6, 2019  is election day in Dominica. The people and the opposition did not get what they wanted in terms of electoral reform. Nonetheless , the polls are open and people are voting with the hopes of change in Dominica.

The leader of the opposition voted in his constituency, Marigot today. What is  very interesting about Mr Linton voting – when the he  walked out of the polling station there was a double rainbow behind him. It seemed like a sign from the heavens . Many people don’t believe in these things but many do.

A double rainbow is considered a symbol of transformation and is a sign of good fortune .

Is this hope and confirmation of change in the positive for Dominica?

One thought on “BE HOPEFUL!

  1. Margaret Lawrence says:

    Yes it. God is on the throne. After Pharoah’s heart hardened more and more, he saw the various signs yet He refused to let go. Eventually after believing the power of God is mightier he had to relent.
    Pharoah must set Dominica and Dominicans “Free “

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