A Response to a Dominica Patriotic Sister who asked me today: what can be done

Dear Editor, I am deeply concerned about my country, what can we do to save it? 

Dear Sister

Where we had a professional police force as opposed to the regime allied enforcement gang now on Dominica, Skerrit would have been arrested long ago.

Let me give you an example of what I mean:..

Long before Al Jazeera exposed what Monfared’s partner called the regime hungry hyenas we had a the purchase in Pennsylvania of garbage cans worth $19 for $109 dollars.

That was the so called Bin Bobol everal years ago. It was exposed as a fraud on the state by double invoicing. The government was caught red handed by Lennox Linton and those who aided his investigative journalism. The Government of Dominica led by Minister of Finance Skerrit admitted a ‘mistake” and promised to repay the money. The auditor general did not resign. Nor was he arrested. Skerrit as minister of finance did not resign nor was he arrested.

Mind you just last week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was charged with receiving gifts and crimes much less serious than Skerrit’s. No one accused Netanyahu of selling passports and taking 90 percent of the procceeds. He was charged by his own Attorney General. What has Dominica Attorney General Levi Peter donebin the face of all these crimes? Nothing. He has abdicated all responsibility to uphold rule of law. He is more comfortable rejecting electoral reform in a country where the list of electors is more than the population. How crooked can you get.

There are many more instances when criminal conduct by regime actors could have resulted in arrests . Nothing was done and the cancer of corruption has infected the entire nation. If Dominicans do not eject the lawless gang now ruling from high office, or reject them at the polls, we shall as a nation deserve every malediction and calamity reserved for nations that aid and abet crime.

Dominica would have joined the “happy” company of failed states such as Haiti and Zimbabwe. In those countries too many of their citizens gave blind allegiance to Papa Doc and Baby Doc or Mugabe and his thieving wife. As such they wallow in poverty and backwardness. No investment or worthy partnerhips can be built n a country where corruption prevails and rule of law is dead.

The hope we have is that the police force, civil service, Diaspora and wider society shall defend our country and its constitution by rising to their duties and kicking out this most corrupt regime in our history as an independent nation. That my sister are the facts as they are.

May we be up and doing and save our country.

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