The knee jerk decision to embark on an airport expedition in the last quarter of 2020, is a definite response to the probing, laser beam discovery in Parliament, by opposition Leader Hon Lennox Linton, that $1.2 BILLION had miraculously disappeared from the passport special housing fund managed by Anthony Haiden and prime minister Skerrit to the ignorance of even his Cabinet.

And so, to justify the massive mismanagement, misappropriation and diversion of that secret Billion dollar slush fund secretly bled to death by a “run away freight train leader” Dominicans are now experiencing the biggest cover up of epic proportion, not even the great United States of America can match.

Lands are being purchased, villagers relocated, crop under – compensated, elderlies abused in a mad rush to give the illusion of ” money well spent” yet there is no Environmental Impact Study, architectural drawings or any other related studies made known to the stakeholders, residents and citizens in the impacted area air – marked for construction of the International Airport.

No named airport contractor or contractors, no named funding Agency, no mention of loan or grant arrangement, no debate of such a major development in the NATIONS PARLIAMENT

No estimates of projected cost of airport project to Dominica”s most expensive capital project in the Nation’s pre or post Independence history.

Dominicans at home and in the diaspora, not even a “shadelle Mouwi” or a small “country rum shop” operates in this fashion…but this is the modus operandi of your government.

Since the highly secret alliance between Anthony Haiden of Montreal Management and Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, an arrangement initially unknown to his cabinet and certainly unknown to Dominica’s parliament.

This indecent an illegal arrangement has “blossomed”into a cash cow of multi BILLION DOLLAR magnitude that escapes the basic comprehension of the unsuspecting ordinary citizen.

First it was untendered housing contracts for the Bellevue Chopin apartments, then apartments in Castle Bruce and Grandfond, then the Marigot hospital and all ten health centres…it was everything for one foreign new found friend and partner of Prime Minister Skerrit…Anthony Haiden, Dominica’s newest Emperor.

The bloated construction cost mesmerised even the best local architects and contractors, figures were astronomical, construction was of the poorest quality…roofs leaking, plumbing and sewage back up…residents with stifled complaints, afraid to expose the disastrous truth.

And now… the ” GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY”…the International Airport BILLION DOLLAR money laundering ATM…

Roosevelt Skerrit after 16 years as PM, have perfected the art of disappearing NOT millions but Billions, with very little or no outrage by the vast majority of its “crumb collecting” citizens, bewitched by almost two decades of abuse, ably assisted by his influential passport selling partners and sanctioned by a bribed and enabling Church.

Dominicans the time is now or never…open your eyes and moreso your conscience and your hearts to the truth that you have been duped by a very cunning leader who will only be stopped by an enlightened people


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