Oh Francine what have you done to yourself AGAIN?

Francine Baron is no Kathrine Gunn

Last week I was listening to BBC, and I head an interview they were having with Katherine Gunn, she was an interpreter working for the British Government during the run up to the Iraq war. She leaked documents hoping that she could help stop the war.

I quickly googled her to learn more about her, she impressed me so deeply, what impressed me most is how she responded to the interrogator who questioned her. “You work for the British government,” her interrogator said, with a sneer. “No,” Gun replied, steadily. “I work for the British people. I do not gather intelligence so the government can lie to the British people.”

After watching Francine Baron at the OAS meeting yesterday Mrs. Gunn came to mind, if only Francine has one little bit of Gunn’s values, principles, and integrity she would not have delivered that pack of lies that Tony sent her to the OAS with, in the very warlike manner.

Someone remarked that Francine looked like she was making a declaration of war to the OAS.
Francine is very shameless and naive if she really believes that the OAS does not know the real facts of the electoral reform case in Dominica.

The same way they insult the intelligence of the people by feeding them a pack of lies three times a day, everyday, they seem not to be able to draw that line between the KAIRI audience and people in the international community.

Francine with a demeanor of a pitbull sat in the OAS, and insulted Dominicans who know the truth about the electoral reform battle that has been going on for the past eleven years in Dominica, she insulted the secretary of the OAS, and she insulted Dominica with the numerous lies she shameless spewed.

As a Dominican, I felt very embarrassed, first for my country, and then for Francine, but we already know that this was exactly what Tony Astaphan sent her to do! So now we can say Francine has declared war on the OAS on behalf of Dominica.

Francine could have done the honorable thing, simply by telling the TRUTH but it appears that once one is yoked with Roosevelt they lost all honor and conscience, so she had to tow the devils line in order to deprive Dominicans of their free and fair elections.

Francine , you will be noted in the book of infamy for that role you played. You lied !She said the Opposition has violently resisted electoral reform they have been trying to implement. And you lied! Roosevelt has not done everything possible to implement electoral reform in Dominica, they have tried hard to make illegal things legal, and you know it!

However, what consoles us is that soon, we will be saying good riddance to the mafioso that runs Dominica. The people will not relent, they will not surrender until they get their electoral reform. They will show you, Tony, and Roosevelt who run things in Dominica. You forget you were supposed to be working for the Dominican people, and not to be an enabler, and facilitator of Government lies.. Shame on you Francine!


  1. Negre Maron Forever! says:

    Dr Dale, Gabe Christian and the other honorable Dominicans wanted the truth. Francine Baron could not handle truth so she served up lies to the world. This speech will go down in history as the most shameful episode in the history of our country at the OAS. Time soon come for the liars and thieves ruling. Negre Maron Forever!

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