Nept Pacquette commends the police for keeping the Black Maroons (Neg Mawon) Spirit Alive in Dominica.

Throughout the history of black people worldwide, the spirit of the Neg Mawon  has not forsaken us.

That spirit has enabled our people to stand tall in periods of adversity and oppression.

That spirit has informed and driven our conscience , and has enabled our people to stand strong against tyrants and dictators.

That spirit is the moral ingredient that makes us a strong, brave, courageous  resilient and unbreakable people.

That is the spirit that reminds the people that the power ultimately resides in them.

That is the spirit roaming around in Grand Bay currently, demanding that  “Pharoah” must ‘Let my people go!’

The Neg Mawon spirit has always strengthened our people when they are disrespected by the powers that be in their quest for democracy.

That Neg Mawon spirit gives our people the desire to free themselves from political, religious, economic shackles.

History continues to remind us that politicians, especially the oppressive, tyrannical type have always feared that powerfully haunting Neg Mawon spirit, which has inspired, motivated and led  successful uprisings.

Against this backdrop, I must applaud the members of the police service who have decided to stand up today in defiance of the continued injustice and oppression of our people, who are fighting for their rights.

We commend our police for joining the people’s struggle.

Our police brothers and sisters are our fellow citizens. They are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in Dominica just as we are. They are also frustrated with their incompetent management. They need our assistance and support in their struggle in the same way they must support to the people’s struggle.

I am Nept Pacquette the Neg Mawon from Grand Bay and I approve this message of solidarity to our police

One thought on “Nept Pacquette commends the police for keeping the Black Maroons (Neg Mawon) Spirit Alive in Dominica.

  1. I Endorse Negre Maron Nept says:

    We must all endorse the spirit of the Negre Maron – Maroons. The Black Maroons of Dominica and our Kalinago brought fear to the hearts of the colonial slave holders and broke them. So broken our heroic freedom fighters hastened the end of slavery in the British West Indians with the combined effort of Jamaica’s Sam Sharon revolt. May we never accept any tyrant as a leader over our people. May we never ever betray our heroes of yesterday who died for our liberty. Let us work with Nept and others to liberate Dominica.

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