Nanthan your lies are catching up with you

 Nanthan your lies are catching up with you big time! It was only a matter of time

 Emmanuel Nathan everything that happened in Malaysia did not stay in Malaysia, the car is out of the bag, well it has been for sometime, but you Roosevelt, Tony, and the rest of your diabolical succeeded in pulling the wool over the eyes of the Dominican people.

As the saying goes every rope has an end, and every road has a bend. Yes, thanks to Al Jazeera the end of your rope is near.  Your lies to the Dominica people have caught up with you. The party is over!

Four years ago, in May of 2015 after the My Dominica Trade House scandal broke Emmanuel Nanthan spoke to Simeon on KAIRI FM, the premiere propaganda platform for the labor party cabal to dish out some lies to the people of Dominica. Nanthan is the head of the Citizens by Investment Program

He presented Monfared as Dato, and he explained that it is a title similar to what we call sir, since according to him Monfared was knighted by the King of Malaysia  wealthy man who was in very good standing, and had done great works in Malaysia. 

He stated that as a citizen of Dominica through Citizens by investment Alick Lawrence Monfared wanted  to do something for great for Dominica. Therefore he first organized a grand, opulent banquet to welcome and host a contingent of Dominicans lead by Nanthan and others including Kenneth Darroux and Alick Lawrence since he claimed that Roosevelt was unable to attend the first event. This event can match a royal event. It was grand!

Nanthan described the MDTH as the Malaysia Dominica Trade house even is all magazines and promotional items explicitly said MY Dominica Trade House.  He claimed that they also met with many wealthy and prominent people of Malaysia including kings, and the Prime Minister of Malaysia..

He continued and said that the reason for all this was because Monfared had some great ideas and plans for his beloved Dominica, among many of them were bringing a branch of Limkockwing University to Dominica, and Shangri La hotel. What Nanthan did not tell the people is that Monfared was also the holder of a diplomatic passport personally delivered to him by Roosevelt, and negotiated by Nathan himself. 

He told many more lies that you will hear on the attached Video. But alas the lies are catching up with Sir Nanthan

Monfared proved to be an international criminal and fraudster who has now facing a 20 year sentence in an Iran dungeon somewhere, the MDTH was farce, and none of the businesses Nanthan told us that was coming to Dominica has reached Dominica, and never will.

Will Nanthan come back and clear the air now that the TRUTH is in the opened? Will he confirm or deny that monies were transferred from Monfared to Roosevelt via his gas station in Portsmouth? Will Nanthan tell the people of Dominica how he has been able to live the high flying lifestyle? Will Nanthan tell Dominicans about the MDTH stamped gold bar he received from Monfared? 

How will Nanthan face the Dominica people after the lies he told them have blown out so wide open in his face?  You can redeem yourself if you choose to Nanthan, but will you? 


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