A Shameless Labour Party

Two years plus after Hurricane Maria, The Mahaut Primary School remains in ruins. It was uncovered and badly destroyed by the ferocious winds of Hurricane Maria, and today, sits in ruins. The park next to the school where the children played sports and engaged in extra curricular activities sits abandoned and unattended. Opposite the School is the Mahaut Police Station also sitting in ruins and disrepair. While these two buildings lie in ruins, the shameless Roosevelt Skerrit Administration found it fit on Tuesday evening to launch their manifesto in that very same constituency, Mahaut.

How shameless can an administration be? After paying Jamaican artist Tarrus Riley, over one hundred thousand US dollars to play for his wife Melissa’s launching last Saturday night, they are now going to another abandoned community to continue the wasteful spending of the people’s monies. Only this time around, they will be looking at their incompetence staring them dead in the eyes. To cover their shame, they are surrounding the building with red tarpaulin.

How can an administration that say it cares about the people be so callous? How can those tasked to care, treat their children in this carefree manner? Everyday, hundreds of thousands of dollars are handed to individuals to buy votes. Millions of dollars were spent to purchase and fully repair and refurbish The Labour Party building in Roseau. Don’t these country plunderers in government have a conscience? How can you claim you are for the people and abuse their trust in this manner? It is sad that even the innocent children are left at the mercy of this wicked regime because while they get the people drunk on rum and sewo tonight, at their manifesto’s launching, the children’s school will remain a forgotten and distant memory tomorrow, as the rogues in government move on to another casualty community of the DLP.

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